DAVIDOFF THE MASTERS SELECTION 2013 TORO: Every year, Master Blender Eladio Diaz has used his experience and knowledge to create a special cigar to celebrate his birthday. These cigars are a representation of his love of cigars and the of celebration of important moment with a special cigar.Davidoff invites you to enjoy a time beautifully filled with these a cigars, sure to be worthy of the most special occasions. These cigars where only enjoyed by Eladio Diaz and close friends, now available in limited quantities. Experience the Master Selection 2013, Eladio Diaz’s 60th Anniversary cigar.This cigar delivers sweet and spice, along with slight bitter cocoa characteristics while delivering flavors of oak, dark fruit, leather and a hint of black pepper.The aroma is sure to mesmerize, filled with notes of bitter-sweet chocolate with coffee, leather and black pepper. A cigar fitting to satisfy the most demanding palate!
WRAPPER: Habano Ecuador
BINDER: Nicaragua
FILLER: Esteli and Condega Visus, Piloto Visus, Piloto Seco, San Vicente Mejorado Visus